My Long-Term Disability Lawsuit Has Been Filed. Now What?
Important disclaimer: The information in this blog post is intended as general guidance for lawsuits filed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). If your claim is regarding an individual disability insurance policy not governed by ERISA,...Responding To New Information During Your Short- or Long-Term Disability Appeal
You appealed a denial of your Short- or Long-Term Disability claim. Now the insurance company is asking you to respond to a report from a doctor that they hired to review you records. You might be confused as to what is happening. Why does the insurance company want...Attorney Jubelirer Wins Duty Disability Claim on Appeal for Rare Firefighter Cancer
Attorney Brandon Jubelirer recently prevailed in securing duty disability survivors benefits for the widow of a firefighter who passed away from a rare form of cancer known as cholangiocarcinoma in 2012. On appeal, the Labor and Industry Review Commission found the...Transitioning from Short-Term Disability to Long-Term Disability? Here’s What to Expect.
You have been off of work for a while and have been receiving short-term disability insurance benefits. Now the disability insurance company is letting you know that you are nearing the end of your short-term disability benefits. What happens next? Confirm that You...