Nick Fairweather

Madison Employment Attorney
Madison Labor Attorney

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Nick Fairweather

Madison Employment Attorney
Madison Labor Attorney

“I had the utmost confidence in Attorney Fairweather’s abilities as my attorney. He was upfront with me at every phase of my case, which ultimately resulted in a settlement. I highly recommend him.

“I had the utmost confidence in Attorney Fairweather’s abilities as my attorney. I highly recommend him.

Attorney Nick Fairweather

Paralegal Jeannine Anderson

Madison Employment Attorney

Nicholas E. Fairweather has represented Wisconsin employees, labor unions, and consumers in a variety of disputes, inside and outside of the workplace.

  • He represents the interests of municipal, State, and school district employees throughout the State, as they are forced to maneuver their way through a thicket of administrative rules and regulations, policies and procedures.
  • He pursues civil rights and discrimination claims on behalf of employees.
  • He is also well-versed in the employment and property issues facing public and private sector science professionals.
  • He has represented State whistleblowers in the litigation of their complaints and lawsuits.
  • He represents the interests of victims of workplace discrimination and retaliation, including claims under the State of Wisconsin Fair Employment Law, the Madison Equal Employment Opportunities ordinance; Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and the federal and state Family and Medical Leave Act(s).

With a team of accomplished professionals, Mr. Fairweather successfully obtains resolutions, both through mediation and litigation, before all administrative and judicial forums.

Not all employment work involves disputes. Mr. Fairweather also:


In 2018, Mr. Fairweather and his co-counsel secured an almost $800,000 jury verdict and award, on behalf of two State of Wisconsin employees who had been denied health insurance coverage for procedures and services related to gender dysphoria. Including attorneys’ fees and costs, the State paid $1.67 million to Hawks Quindel, the ACLU of Wisconsin, and the two clients.

In late-2016, Mr. Fairweather and his co-counsel achieved a trial victory on behalf of a former sales executive at a Madison-area health insurance carrier. The client had been denied compensation equal to a male co-worker who had been performing the same work. The federal judge found in the employee’s favor, and awarded her all of the damages, penalties, fees, and costs available to her under the federal Equal Pay Act.

In early 2016, Mr. Fairweather and his co-counsel successfully settled a federal lawsuit alleging discrimination and retaliation in violation of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act.

Mr. Fairweather regularly represents public employees in disputes with municipal, county, state, and school district employers.

Attorney Nick Fairweather

Paralegal Jeannine Anderson

I am a criminal defense lawyer practicing in Milwaukee. Over the years I have had clients with employment-related legal issues, and I have referred them all to Nick Fairweather and Hawks Quindel. Nick and the team are knowledgeable, caring, and fight hard for their clients. Every client I have sent there has thanked me for doing so.

Craig Powell

Criminal Defense Attorney

Nicholas E. Fairweather
Rated by Super Lawyers

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9.9Nicholas E. Fairweather


Law School

Case Western Reserve University


B.A. Biology
Lawrence University


State of Wisconsin
Western District of WI
Eastern District of WI
7th Circuit Court of Appeals

Signature Cases

Boyden v. State of Wisconsin 341 F. Supp. 3d 979  (W.D. Wis. 2018)

Hatch v. Brillion School District (E.D. Wis. 2018)

O’Brien v. Unity Health Plans (W.D. Wis. 2016)

Gribble v. Florence County (Wis. Empl. Rel. Commission, July 1, 2014)

John M. Bell v. DocuSafe of Madison (Dane Co. Cir. Ct., 2013)

Kohl v. DATCP (Wis. Empl. Rel. Commission, April 12, 2006)


“Sexual Orientation and the Law” co-author, State Bar of Wisconsin 1st ed. 2019

“Employment Law” co-author, State Bar of Wisconsin 7th Ed. 2018

“Advising Older Clients and Their Families, Volume I” co-author, State Bar of Wisconsin 3rd Ed. 2016


“Cannabis In the Workplace” Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin, November 2019

“Human Resources Law Bootcamp” NBI, July, 2018

“Best Practices for Conducting Arbitrations” Health Labor and Employment Institute, August, 2016

“Recovery of Attorneys’ Fees in Individual Employment Cases” State Bar of Wisconsin, August, 2015

“Hatfields and McCoys: An Overview of Landlord-Tenant Law and Litigation” State Bar of Wisconsin, May, 2014

“The Affordable Care Act – an Overview” April, 2014

“Well, Why Didn’t you Say So?” A presentation on the content and effect of discipline letters in public employment. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission, February 2010

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