For most ERISA long-term disability (LTD) cases that proceed to court, the case is decided on a closed administrative record in which the judge can only review the information contained in the insurer’s claim file as of the date it rendered its final decision. In...
Congratulations—your long-term disability appeal was approved! The good news is that you will likely be receiving a check from your disability insurance carrier for the total amount of past due disability benefits and begin receiving monthly benefit on an ongoing...
If your long-term disability (LTD) insurer has rendered a final denial regarding your claim for benefits such that you are unable to file any more appeals to the insurer, you have “exhausted your administrative remedies” under the plan. This means your next step is...
In recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has gained momentum, prompting a closer examination of how mental health concerns are addressed across various facets of our lives. While strides have been made in ensuring mental health parity in health...
Let’s say that your long-term disability (LTD) insurance carrier has denied or terminated your claim for LTD benefits and you’ve exhausted your administrative appeals. Your next step is to file a lawsuit against the carrier. In most circumstances, you will file...
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