What Should I Be Paid When I Leave My Job?
Every person who works will leave a job at least once in their career. But what happens to your pay if you quit without notice? What about if you’re fired? Is your employer required to pay you for unused vacation or sick leave? Fortunately, Wisconsin has strong...
I Think My Employer Is Committing Healthcare Fraud. What Can I Do?
What is Healthcare Fraud? Government-funded healthcare programs don’t just provide essential healthcare services to people who need them—they’re also big business. In 2021, the federal government spent $901 billion on Medicare and $734 billion on Medicaid. Even though...
Is Your Non-compete Agreement Legal? Check These 5 Legal Tests
Non-Compete Agreements: Just Because It’s in a Contract Doesn’t Mean It’s Legal Employers are increasingly requiring their employees to sign contracts that include provisions restricting the employees’ rights after leaving the job. The most common such agreements are...