Attorneys Martha Burke and Gabriel Manzano Nieves had the opportunity to speak with ProPublica reporters Melissa Sanchez and Maryam Jameel about workplace injuries that occur on Wisconsin dairy farms. Over the last several months Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Jameel have been reporting on Wisconsin dairy farms, and the issues immigrant workers face in a series titled “America’s Dairyland Risking Workers’ Lives for the Milk We Drink.”

Most Wisconsin dairies are staffed primarily by undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America that labor long hours in dangerous conditions. Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Jameel highlight the many barriers injured workers face in Wisconsin’s legal system to seek appropriate health care and receive compensation.

The link to the ProPublica article can be found here:

The story is also being run in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Hawks Quindel, S.C.