Late Fees on Many Loans Over $10 are Often Illegal in Wisconsin Do you have a car loan? How about a payday loan or title loan? Were you ever late making a payment? If so, you probably received a late fee (aka a delinquency charge). If that late fee was greater than...
Do you know someone struggling to make car payments? Or someone who has had his or her car repossessed? Wisconsin law mandates specific notice requirements that lenders must follow before they can repossess your car, and provides consumers with substantial remedies if...
Federal Law Protects Consumers from Robocalls & Spam Text Messages Debt collectors and others frequently use machines to call and text consumers on their cell phones. These automated calls and texts can create a big headache by persistently ringing your phone,...
Federal law allows individuals to assert claims against consumer reporting agencies when those agencies violate the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, a law designed to protect individuals from the transmission of inaccurate information about them. In a recent case,...
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