Getting Divorced? Pay Attention to Enforcement Provisions in Your Marital Settlement Agreement.
Your Options for Enforcing the Terms of Your Marital Settlement Agreement Are Important. An important aspect of any divorce agreement is not only what you agree on but how and whether the agreement can be enforced. In their Marital Settlement Agreements (MSAs),...
Child Placement in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic
On March 24, 2020, the State of Wisconsin issued an Emergency “Safer-at-Home” Order to combat the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease). The order prohibits all non-essential travel, with certain exceptions. Many divorced and separated parents in Wisconsin are...
4 Tips for Wisconsin Couples Considering a Prenup
The number of couples considering a prenup – or prenuptial agreement – in advance of marriage is on the rise. This is not just true for wealthy individuals or older couples with children from previous marriages. Prenups are becoming increasingly popular among...
3 Major Expenses for Divorced Parents of Adult Children
Beyond Minority: Providing for Adult Child Expenses in a Divorce Children are expensive and their reliance on their parents often does not disappear when they turn 18. Yet, Wisconsin family law provides almost no guidance on how divorced parents should provide...